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About Us

RegulatingAI is a dedicated non-profit organization designed for experts, mentors, and users of artificial intelligence (AI) with a keen interest in exploring the intersection of AI and regulation. We aim to unite individuals with diverse expertise and backgrounds, fostering collaboration to collectively advance the understanding and implementation of AI regulations.

Welcome to RegulatingAI, your premier source for global AI regulation. We provide current and comprehensive information on the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence regulation and its societal impact. Dive into the latest insights and updates surrounding artificial intelligence. Join us in uniting a diverse array of voices to collectively shape a more responsible future.

Our Vision

RegulatingAI envisions a world where everyone benefits from AI through ethical principles and a shared commitment to innovate responsibly.

Our Mission

RegulatingAI empowers stakeholders and policymakers through education and awareness, while remaining dedicated to the democratization of AI. We strive to cultivate a global community that collaboratively shapes responsible AI policies.

Our Core Values

  • Global Impact
  • Ethical Innovation
  • Democratization of AI
  • Collaborative Governance
  • Education & Awareness

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RegulatingAI, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to establishing a platform for grassroots advocacy concerning artificial intelligence (AI) regulation. We serve as a bridge connecting AI experts, researchers, corporations, NGOs, academicians, students, and enthusiasts. RegulatingAI is committed to harnessing the power of shared knowledge to construct a responsible and ethical AI ecosystem.

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11490 Commerce Park Dr, Ste 520, Reston VA 20191, United States

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